Thursday 18 April 2013

Beauty spending ban.................

EEEEEEEEEEK!!!! WHAT am I thinking is the question that keeps popping up in my head right now!!

Kat over at Tales of a Pale Face is partaking in a one month spending ban and I am joining her!

I've never ever stuck to my own spending bans before because, lets face it, I'm a sucker for all things beauty and don't even get me started on my H&M and Zara obsessions. However, something has to give - I have a holiday in September to save for plus my wedding next October so there's no better time to start getting into the savings habit than now!

Obviously with a spending ban, some rules need to be set in place. My rules are:

1. I cannot spend ANYTHING on beauty over the next month unless its on essentials such as deodorant, shampoo, conditioner etc etc.

2. I'm making like Kat and I'm putting myself on a magazine ban. This month I will buy just one magazine, which one this is will be very hard to choose.

3. I'm not buying ANY clothes this month except for a pair of sandals from Topshop that I have been saving for anyway.

4. I'm going to sacrifice my monthly facial and try the masks that I have building up in my drawer and write reviews on them instead of paying £45 for a spa treatment.

I think I will be able to do well at it this time around seeing as I have made a public declaration of my ban and the fact that other bloggers are joining Kat. Its probably best that my Body Shop haul came today as I definitely don't need to buy anything for the next month, maybe longer!

Wish me luck!! xx


  1. Wow good luck, I have already broken every one of those rules, I would be terrible at that. Keep us updated :-)

