Sunday 9 June 2013

It's been a while......

Ok so I've been a bad blogger again for a couple of reasons. First reason is that I've been promoted in work (yay!) but this means I'm extremely busy - like CRAZY busy and the blog has taken a bit of a back seat. I know this isn't really an excuse but at the moment I just want to chill out when I get home from work as I'm so exhausted. I am going to try harder though as I do enjoy writing about a subject that I love and I guess when I first started my blogging journey I put too much pressure on myself to blog all the time. I realise now that, at the moment, this isn't realistic so I'm going to aim to post at least once a week and see how I go from there. 

Secondly my fiancĂ© lost his job recently (humph!). He hasn't had much luck over the last year with jobs - this will be the third time he has faced redundancy in the last 12 months. However, we are both really positive that he will find something soon. We don't 'do' moping round for too long - I'm a big believer in positive thinking and being pro-active attracts the positive in leaps and bounds. So, as they say - onwards and upwards! 

So there you go, a little update on where I'm at right now. Hopefully some good news around the corner and some good blog posts from me as well :). 


  1. Congratulations on your promotion! Good luck to your fiancée with his job hunt too x
